I wouldn't necessarily call myself superstitious or particularly spiritual. However, I do tend to be quite introspective and enjoy the simple joys of understanding what the hell is going on inside my head. That with my love for anything a bit weird and nonsensical has led to me keeping a sort of diary on my dreams, where I less reiterate their contents and more summarise what moral or message I took from them.

Maybe some of them will resonate with you, too.

lessons learnt from the previous night's dreams:

- - 2/3/2025 - -
girl your responsibilites!! don't let your insecurities halt you from carrying them out!

- - 12/2/2025 - -
you don't need to dismiss your boundaries just to please a person you really appreciate. (also ha ha starry skies and romantic gestures. which could mean nothing)

- - 30/9/2024 - -
you could put in a bit more effort.

- - 8/8/2024 - -
between 'fight' and 'flight', you seem to have a clear preference. figure out if that's a good thing.

- - 21/7/2024 - -
have a plan. and arguably more importantly, have a back-up plan.

- - 16/7/2024 - -
adventures are nice as long as they aren't dangerous.

- - 10/7/2024 - -
take measures to protect your own space - don't be afraid to be assertive.

- - 7/7/2024 - -
leaning towards the answers "no, you don't" and "yes, you are" respectively.

- - 4/7/2024 - -
maybe, just sometimes, it could be of use to imagine something less terrifying than the worst case scenario.

- - 29/6/2024 - -
check the stove before leaving the house.

- - 27/6/2024 - -
you could do more to keep in touch with people.

- - 26/6/2024 - -
the puzzle cannot be solved by imagination alone.

- - 25/6/2024 - -
if something reminds you of your childhood best friend, say it out loud. the warmth could still be there despite the complicated feelings.

- - 23/6/2024 - -
when you dress in a way you're confident in, any question or comment about it can be taken as a compliment.

- - 20/6/2024 - -
encourage and protect the people you care about.

- - 19/6/2024 - -
keep your online life separate from your personal one.

- - 18/6/2024 - -
it is often beneficial to be kind and curious despite the people who do not offer that kindness back.

- - 9/6/2024 - -
learn to listen to your heart, your head and your gut. it will save you.