Sharing some pieces on the internet which bring me joy, such as:

personal websites

videos and video creators

games (mostly free)

personal websites

(buttons to be added soon)

juneberry: a charming layout and a delightful guide on how to befriend crows!

hill house: friendly ghosts and interesting collections of thoughts and resources

linwood: take a little camping trip to the forest. fascinating blog posts and an entertaining cursed object personality quiz

fairygore: creatively detailed exhibits for the creator's interests - all protected by fairies!

cafe vamp: a cozy cottage to have tea and read poetry in

doqmeat: bright and colorful digital diary logs and anything else you could think of

wumsley's abyss: contains a small, interactable forest. a wise, giant tree gave me this wisdom i'll share with you: thick thighs save lives.

interesting videos / video creators

Peculiarly Ashley: horror related miniatures, paintings and other miscallaneous creations with silly, lighthearted narration

The False Evolution of Execution Methods: how far have we come, really?

Fixing My Brain with Automated Therapy: “It’s not a replacement,” they say, “but isn’t it better than having nothing at all?”

games and such

all free unless stated otherwise. check the trigger warnings beforehand.

last seen online: "after all, a personal computer is an extension of another person’s soul"

the wizard maze: a whimsical journey in quiz form.

visit a tea party, and if you so desire, a masquerade, too. the gifts you receive from them could aid you some day.

deltarune (demo): the fantasy stories i imagined as a child somehow made into a heartfelt, atmospherical experience with lovely tunes, too!